How to prepare your new home before the movers arrive

When you are moving into a new home and everything else such as you got the keys, your pre-settlement inspection is done. The next step is to confirm your move-in date and book a reliable moving company in Auckland.

You can make moving process easy and less time consuming for yourself and movers by just keeping few important points in mind.

There are few important points mentioned below that you should do with your new home before the movers arrive-

Schedule cleaning:

Even if your new home is brand new or not, it is always a good idea to clean your new home before the furniture and all other items arrive. So, plan for cleaning in advance. Always try to clean one room at a time. You can also hire a cleaning company. it is all up to you.

Always start cleaning from top in each room and then work your way down. In the kitchen, do the fridge first. Once the fridge is cleaned do the rest of the kitchen. Clean the bathrooms and toilets thoroughly, by using disinfectants and antibacterial sprays.

The next step in the cleaning is clean the ceiling, light switches, windows etc. Finish cleaning with floors. Wooden and tile floors can be easily cleaned with vacuum followed by mop. For the carpet clean steam cleaner is the best if you have one. You can hire professionals or rental from hardware store to clean the carpet.

Fix any urgent repair

Before you move in a new house schedule home improvement. Identify what needs attention into your new home. Repair any damage or health and safety issues related to the new home. Damage could include a hole in the wall, broken window locks or something which is not working properly.

It will be better if you finish the urgent repairs before moving into your new home. This will help to save your time.

Reserve parking

If there is less space in your home for moving truck to park or moving boxes to sit, it will be helpful to find and reserve a parking space with orange cones. You can also chat with your neighbours in advance to use their driveways or parking space.

Always try to find a parking space as close as you can otherwise you will likely pay a lot more for your movers.

Check your utilities

Hopefully you took care of arranging for your utilities to be ready before moving, now make sure that everything is ready to go and functioning properly. Remember to verify that your electricity, gas internet, water heating and cooling units and phones are good to go before the movers arrive.

Make sure that your new home is set up for garbage pick up as well, otherwise you can call your local waste management facility.

Reach your new home before the movers

The last and the most important thing that you must keep in mind that always reach home before the movers. Because your movers don’t know exactly where to place your beds or which kid’s toys box go where so you must be there to answer all those questions.

If you are there before the movers, you can remove any obstacles such as vehicles in the way etc. so always be prepared and arrive at your new home before the movers.

In conclusion, it is most important to keep these basic points in mind when you are moving into a new home to make your moving process organised and successful. You can save yours and house movers time by following these above-mentioned tips.

Wishing you the very best in your new home! Happy moving everyone.

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